Diederick Huijbers

Diederick Huijbers

Diederick Huijbers (@roxlu) is an software-artist, programmer, programmer, software-artist.

He has has a background in art, 3D, hardware, interaction design and media technology. Since 2008 he started working in the field of (interactive) visualisations and hasn’t stopped doing this. He is a non-stop physics based visualization programmer and strongly believes in working with others and sharing knowledge and skills.

Together with Martin Bartels he works in Amsterdam at their studio Apollo Media, which is slowly taking over the world. They work on interactive installations and visualisations. In 2009 Diederick, together with Martin Bartels and Tim Olden, started the “freakDays“: A group of artists, programmers and hackers from The Netherlands who come together once a month, share their experiences and code during one day workshops.